Adela and I went to church in Darmstadt, they really have a great worship team. It's an evanghelical free church and we are very happy to have found it. Still it's nothing like back home in Craiova, Romania.
I was rolling down that street with a wheel...jj, I was not really rolling. Because you know how they are:
They see me rollin' / They haitin' / Patrolling and try to catch me ridin' dirty. Well If I shower daily I will not be dirty anymore...only before the shower. Duh. Which reminds me of the fact that I never had an imaginary friend I called Captain Amok. But let me introduce you to my (and your) new binary (not imaginary) friend: 101. He doesn't speak to much but he is a very good listener. We met a few moments ago in my brain and I released him here in this blog. I'm shure we will here again from him soon. Isn't that right 101?
101 told me to tell you 1...that is true in binary. I don't speak binary to good, I only know how to say "true" or "false". But I am sure I will be able to improve my binary now that I know 101. Well then...that's it 4 2 day. You can stop reading now.
No, really, you can stop.
Ok, if you won't stop reading I'll just stop writing, see how you like that!
Nice to meet your friend! Sper sa mai auzim de el. Te iubesc!
si eu am fst duminica asat la o biserica aici, well e baptista, dar din cate am auzit astea ar fi singurele acceptabile p aici, la modul k nu au pastori femei si asa mai departe...
anyway a fst destul de nice, cand zic asta comapr cu o biserica baptista din craiova...bleah...mult mai fain aici :D
cat despre free church nu am vazut nici una, inca:(
pray for me to find a good one:)
p.S. astia de aici au misionari in Ro, kiar acuma, se intorc sapt viitoare si abia asteapta sa ne vada, cik sa exerseze romana :D
Haha, foarte tare :).
Mai, ne bucuram mult k ati ajuns pe la noi >:D<
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