What's up? Just got my hands on F-Zero GX for the Gamecube. Very hard but also awsome game. I am loving it.
I bought this one on Ebay. You know Ebay? Me 2. Awsome!
I wonder if anyone is reading my blog. Are you reading my blog? Hello? Are you? I can't hear you...
I wonder if I had Tourett, how would this blog look like. Would it be an easy read or simply phucking aswome :P
No, not really. Now listen up. I used to live with some guys in an apartment in some city in Germany. And we were just messing around and filming stuff with a camera. And this thing walks towards me, all of the sudden, appearing from nowhere and we just kept filming because it was so weird. So I hope you enjoy this clip because we really risked our life to make this and you can see it now, bellow...
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