I should update this more often. Here is one main event that has taken place. I finally ordered and got some
<<< Original Death Sauce and

<< < Sudden Death Sauce from Blair.
While you can actually eat the Original Death Sauce and feel just the right amount of that good old burning sensation in your mouth (a little like Tabasco), I would NOT recommend anyone who is not used to intense heat to try the Sudden Death Sauce. I did it for you and I almost (suddenly) died. But it is great to dip the top of a toothpick in some sauce left in the cap. If you put that much on your tongue you will feel a burn for like 20-30 minutes in your entire mouth!!! And talking about sudden death...please welcome the newest trailer to a great game which I have pre-ordered and which will be released soon only for the Nintendo Wii. Enjoy!
ce pot sa zic decat..."..."
1st u're waaaaaaaay beyond normal with all those hot sauces.. tu o cauti cu lumanarea si nu o gasesti.. io nu cre k iti fac prea bine da in fine ur choice...
2nd isn't this "the game that u were not allowed to speak of nor to mention have it" ???? what happened man?! did a truck hit my sis and let u have it?!?
No. The game I am not allowed to speak of is "Manhunt 2". (See I dont't speak of it now...I am writing about it!. But by now I think it sucks anyways...or not?).
lol, ich würde es nicht trinken :))
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