Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sep 8, 2004, at 5:39 AM

On Sep 8, 2004, at 5:39 AM, Tim Touchwinsky wrote:

> Here is e-mail from Tim Touchwinsky
> Responding to:
> I have a question regarding the R-Card.
> If they make this card and parents is children free? And also is it good to do so?
> I live in Michigan and is Amish. Is it possible? Be Cause nobody tells me anything.
> Thenk you.

Hi Tim,
At this point, I don't think the R-Card is available in Michigan, just in Illinois. As for whether it's good to get one, that's really something for individual teenagers and their parents to decide. The R rating is there for a reason, and some movies may be inappropriate for younger viewers. However, there might be some that your parents are OK with you seeing. It's really something to discuss with them. As I said, though, i don't think the card is available in Michigan, but you'd have to ask your local movie theater to be sure.

Midwest Correspondent

On Sep 8, 2004, at 9:51 AM, Tim Touchwinsky wrote:

> Thenk you for your fast responding
> The question was not if cardis in Michigan. It is in Illinois.
> But I bought card there to watch a movie in Michigan. That movie was not a pornographic one. It was action. Sometimes it was with naked people. So I asked my mother to buy the card. And we buy card from man who sold it on corner of a street. We pay 50 dollars for it.
> But now not good?

No, you shouldn't have bought the card from a man on the street. The legitimate card is sold only through the GKC theatre chain, has your photo and parent's signature on it, and costs $2. It only works at the theaters in the GKC chain. Some theaters will also allow you into an R-rated movie (without such a card) if your mother goes with you to buy the ticket.
It sounds like the man who sold you the card was dishonest.

Midwest Correspondent

1 comment:

Adela said...

u nuts! funny cum incearca aia sa raspunda serios. =)) lmao