Wednesday, July 29, 2009


A piece of best poetry. Written by Daniel Herth. Read by you!

Four Walls One Heart

A fart a fart
Has torn my pants apart

Her eyes rolled at the thunder
I think that was her part
I seek a new beginning

Beginning with a fart

In memory of.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I'm loving it!

Exista multe teme despre care potzi scrie intr-un blog. Dupa cum poate atzi observat blogul meu in ultima vreme a fost mai mult o colectzie de clipuri gasite pe internet pe care am vrut sa le impart cu voi. Astazi insa voi scrie despre total altceva. Va voi da o retzeta pe care o am de la...mine. Dar este foarte buna.


1 felie paine
1 bucatzica de unt (cat pt. o bucata de paine)
1 ou
1 pic de ulei (hehe)
1 pic de sare si piper

Pasul 1

Se prajeshte 1 ou intr-o tigaie mica, cu 1 pic de ulei

Atentzie!!! Galbenushul sa ramina neaparat intreg!

Pasul 2

Se scoate oul din tigaie si se prajeshte felia de paine pe ambele partzi in tigaie. Daca nu a mai ramas ulei in tigaie de la ou, adaugatzi o jumatate de linguritza. Felia de paine trebuie sa ajunga crocanta!

Pasul 3

Se scoate felia de paine din tigaie. Se unge cu unt. Untul trebuie sa se topeasca un pic, asha ca grabitzi-va cu unsul, cat e felia calda.

Pasul 4

Se pune oul pe paine. Se da cu un pic de sare si piper. Pofta buna!


Rezultaltul va arata cam asha:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Wii Sports Resort

Astazi a fost o zi deosebita. Mergind prin orash pe la SATURN (magazinul de electronice, nu planeta) am surprins pe un angajat Nintendo cand tocmai pregatea Wii-ul pentru a incerca noul Wii Sports Resort. Jocul iese abia pe 24 dar eu si catziva altzi din magazin am avut shansa sa il incercam chiar astazi. A fost k lumea mai ales ca aceasta a fost prima shansa de a incerca noul MotionPlus de la Nintendo. Works great. M-am distrat deci p cinste. Si am primit si un preloc. Poze si clip vor urma.

Noapte buna.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What could this be?

Some stuff I am working on. Check it out. The eyes should blink.

Maybe next time.

Also Youtube was down last week or so.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

E3 2009 - It will be a good year!

Nintendo anounced some great games for the Wii:

Super Mario Galaxy 2 (!)

New Super Mario Bros. Wii (A 2D side scrolling Mario oldschool) (!)

and other great things like the Motion Plus.

I will go into details once I can play the games but enjoy the trailer!

Also,do not be scared! Microsoft is bringing the future to us with their new "Project Natal". Playing with no controler at all. The program shows a boy on a swing. You can talk to him and he understands you, knows your voice, your feelings. This is the future. And it works today!

So enjoy this 2 great vids!

Great, right?

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Just a funny clip!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Finally a new Album from one of my favorite Bands.
Zao has released the new Album "Awake?". Heavy as usual. I was disapointed by most of the lyrics dough. The song have lost all of their christian text and are now more critical about politics. I don't like politics. Here is the playlist:

01. 1 000 000 Outstretched Arms of Nothing
02. Entropica
03. The Eyes Behnd The Throne
04. Human Cattle Masses Marching Forward
05. Romance Of the Southern Spirit
06. What Will You Find
07. Awake
08. Quiet Passenger Pt. 1
09. Reveal
10. Quiet Passenger Pt. 2 - The World Caved In

I had the chance to listen to it and must say...till now I only liked 1 Song. But usually the Zao Albums are a little harder to get...the "hook" is hard to find in some songs and it takes multiple listening to the album to find your way thru. Eventually you will like all the songs. If you want to buy the album act fast. There are only 8.000 copies! It seems the songs are written not like a poem...but like a story. Well. I will go now. But can feel free to stay. And to comment. COMMENT! I COMAND you to COMMENT. No comment.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Last Sunday there was a car show in Darmstadt. We discover(y)ed it by (car)accident.
It was cool that they had Segways there. Its kinda new. A vehicle that has only 2 wheels on one axis. However the ballanceis kept by an automized computer chip. And you can reach up to 20 km/h with them. Enjoy the (silence) clip.

A new style!

I forgot what I wanted to write about.

Now that's funny. Hmmh, what else...I love the Ren & Stimpy Show. They started airing it in Germany again. And I think I need a log action figure.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dasimieunban! Hai nenea!

Donate whatever amount you want. You don't need a reason. In this prosper times share some of your surplus money.

If you donate you can win this Toilet Paper Man made of toilet paper (that has been exposed to water and then dried) and plastic eyes.

Hungry eyes (dada dada dam) I feel the magic between you and I(aiaiaiii)!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A MadWorld

Finlay here.

MadWorld for the Wii. Not for sale in Germany because it is to violent for the "peace loving" Germ(an)s. I must say it took me a while to play it. I had pre-ordered it 1 month before the release date. But then the man at the store said that the shipping had not arrived and I was sad. Then I found it on Ebay and bought it.

The entire game is in black and white, the only color you will see is red...blood red. That's right. The game is a mix of Sin City and Running Man. The story is also cool. The basic idea is this: kill or be killed. But that's OK because you have a chainsaw as your right arm. So the black and white world will be painted red pretty fast.Enjoy the attached video! careful!
I have a chainsaw on my right arm...I'm gonna be ok.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bottled Red Bull

Bottled Red Bull

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hot Stuff

Long time no see (not sea! Now SEA what you have done? You made me scream!!!).

I should update this more often. Here is one main event that has taken place. I finally ordered and got some

<<< Original Death Sauce and

<< < Sudden Death Sauce from Blair.

While you can actually eat the Original Death Sauce and feel just the right amount of that good old burning sensation in your mouth (a little like Tabasco), I would NOT recommend anyone who is not used to intense heat to try the Sudden Death Sauce. I did it for you and I almost (suddenly) died. But it is great to dip the top of a toothpick in some sauce left in the cap. If you put that much on your tongue you will feel a burn for like 20-30 minutes in your entire mouth!!! And talking about sudden death...please welcome the newest trailer to a great game which I have pre-ordered and which will be released soon only for the Nintendo Wii. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sep 8, 2004, at 5:39 AM

On Sep 8, 2004, at 5:39 AM, Tim Touchwinsky wrote:

> Here is e-mail from Tim Touchwinsky
> Responding to:
> I have a question regarding the R-Card.
> If they make this card and parents is children free? And also is it good to do so?
> I live in Michigan and is Amish. Is it possible? Be Cause nobody tells me anything.
> Thenk you.

Hi Tim,
At this point, I don't think the R-Card is available in Michigan, just in Illinois. As for whether it's good to get one, that's really something for individual teenagers and their parents to decide. The R rating is there for a reason, and some movies may be inappropriate for younger viewers. However, there might be some that your parents are OK with you seeing. It's really something to discuss with them. As I said, though, i don't think the card is available in Michigan, but you'd have to ask your local movie theater to be sure.

Midwest Correspondent

On Sep 8, 2004, at 9:51 AM, Tim Touchwinsky wrote:

> Thenk you for your fast responding
> The question was not if cardis in Michigan. It is in Illinois.
> But I bought card there to watch a movie in Michigan. That movie was not a pornographic one. It was action. Sometimes it was with naked people. So I asked my mother to buy the card. And we buy card from man who sold it on corner of a street. We pay 50 dollars for it.
> But now not good?

No, you shouldn't have bought the card from a man on the street. The legitimate card is sold only through the GKC theatre chain, has your photo and parent's signature on it, and costs $2. It only works at the theaters in the GKC chain. Some theaters will also allow you into an R-rated movie (without such a card) if your mother goes with you to buy the ticket.
It sounds like the man who sold you the card was dishonest.

Midwest Correspondent